An epitome of the 20th century Joshua Sobol I see in Alma also a kind of an epitome of our time, of our modern twentieth century. Because I think that there is maybe no other period in history where one´s creativity, and one´s spiritual achievements are what make one into a cultural hero of the time. And the twentieth century is very fond of cultural heroes, it looks for them. And I think that it is because we are living in such a confused, and bewildered time, that we have lost our orientation, that humanity does not know where to go, and it needs those mentors. In the past it was always religion which showed the direction, but with the twentieth century and after Nietzsche, after "God´s death", so to speak, as it was experienced by people like Dostojewsky and others, and expressed by them, our time more than any other time is looking towards artists to show the way, and to confront us with our image. To show us who we are, and to tell us who we are, and how we should live, and what we should do with our lifes. I think that happened with the"Beatles revolution" or earlier a little bit with the"jazz revolution", where the youngsters, the younger generations are really looking to the musicians to name their feelings, and to give them a style of life, and to show them what´s important, and what´s not important. | |
 |  | Alma Mahler |  There was no other period where art was so influential as it is in our time. And I say it as a father to a rockstar, my son is a rocker. And through him I could understand what is the power of rock music on the young generation. Not only the rock music, but rock culture. And I admire that culture, I must say. I admire it because it shove aside so much bullshit which belonged to the old culture. It is thanks to that revolution which is done by artists in our century. And it all starts in the roots of the twentieth century - and it starts then, at the time when Alma lived. And that´s why I think that Alma with her great thirst to meet those spirits, and to get in touch with them, and to accompany them on their way, as she expressed it at the end of her autobiography, that she had a great merit to help them "to get into the saddle of their horses" before they took off to their great trip. Alma is an expression of our time, in that sense. She is an expression of the spirit of our time, that eagerness, and that need to be in touch with creativity, with the spirit of creativity, more than anything. That´s what also makes of her, I think, a very worthy protagonist of a play or of our Polydrama. Paulus Manker Alma - the first groupie! | | |